If your Google Workspace administrator switched your email account to a new domain (for example, from @yet-another-mail-merge.com to @yamm.com), YAMM prevents you from changing the form notifications configuration of your Google forms. If you attempt to reconfigure the form notifications, YAMM shows the error message below.
With the help of a workaround, you can still configure the notifications for the Google form by adding the new email address as Editor to the Google form and the Google spreadsheet.
For illustration purposes, the old email address used in this article is alice@yet-another-mail-merge.com and the new email address is alice@yamm.com.
Copy the responses spreadsheet using the new email account
From the new email address, make a copy of the shared responses spreadsheet. This way, your new email address is the owner of the new responses spreadsheet.
You are logged in from your new email account and have the shared responses spreadsheet opened.
- With the responses spreadsheet open in Google Sheet, select File > Make a copy.
- (Optional) In the Copy document window, name the new document and click OK.
The responses spreadsheet is now copied.
What's next
You can now link the copied spreadsheet to the Google form to preserve the existing responses and collect the data for new ones.
Link the copied spreadsheet as a new response destination for the Google form
To ensure you can now configure the YAMM form submission notifications, link the copied responses spreadsheet to the Google form.
You are logged in from your new email account.
- In the Google form, click the Responses tab.
- Click the More button and select Select response destination.
- Select the Select existing spreadsheet radio button and click Select.
- Select the copied spreadsheet and click Select.
The copied spreadsheet is now linked.
An additional sheet named Form Responses 2 is created containing a copy of the data. New responses are filled in the Form Responses 2 sheet.
What's next
You can now configure your YAMM form submission responses.
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