When you are sending a mail merge, in most cases a part of your recipient list will bounce. Yet Another Mail Merge lets you easily track which email addresses bounced, and helps you clean your contact list for future campaigns.
1. Activate the tracker
Make sure to activate our tracking tool before sending your mail merge:
2. Check which email addresses bounced in your spreadsheet
After sending your mail merge, every time an email bounces back to your Gmail inbox, YAMM will mark it as 'BOUNCED' in your spreadsheet under the 'Merge status' column, and will add the reason as cell notes:
In the example above, the following email addresses have bounced:
- test@bounceddemo.com
- anotherbounce@bounce.com
- misterbounce@sfgrsgrsg.com
- emailthatbounces@bounceagain.com
3. Remove bounces from your future mailing list
Next time you send a mail merge, YAMM will automatically detect bounces from your previous campaigns:
This notification is useful to monitor your future campaigns to get the lowest bounce rate possible and have your emails correctly delivered.
Click 'OK' to avoid resending to email addresses that will trigger a bounce. YAMM will then add a 0 next to bounces: