You purchased a YAMM license to get 1,500 or 400 emails / 24 hours, but you are still limited to the free quota. We can solve this issue very quickly. Please read this article to know what to do in this case.
Why is my license not activated?
In most cases, it is merely because the wrong account is whitelisted in our database, or we didn't get your payment.
1. You purchase a plan for an alias
A YAMM license can't work for aliases. The account you entered in our pricing page must be your real account / primary account.
However, you will be able to reuse your aliases set in Gmail within the add-on to send your mail merge.
2. There are typos in your account
Even if two email addresses are similar, any difference (even if it's only one letter) counts.
Here are the most common mistakes:
- An account ending with .org is not the same as .com, .net, .gov etc.
- is not the same as
- is not the same as
- is not the same as
3. You forgot to click 'Agree and Pay' in the PayPal order summary page
4. You sent us an eCheck payment, and your payment is pending / under PayPal review
What should I do to get my paid plan activated?
If you are in cases 1. or 2., please open a spreadsheet and check the email address in the top right corner of the screen, next to the blue 'Share' button:
Then send us a request so we can switch the plan to the correct Google account.
The wrong Google account: The one which is currently under the paid plan
To avoid any confusion, please provide the invoice and/or purchase confirmation from Yet Another Mail Merge. - The right Google account: The one which should benefit from the paid plan.